Jan 28, 2010

BREAKING NEWS HEADLINE: Metallic Copper a Biatch to Accessorize

It ain't no LBD, that's for darn tootin'.  

A work in progress.

(Thank you, God, for sending those vintage YSL black satin pumps to the Salvation Army on Tuesday.)


  1. Yep..go with black - that's the ticket. I'd also, if I could find/make it, put a black fabric flower about 3-4 inches across at the neck.

  2. Hmmm...and that would be like a broach, pinned to the collar?

  3. Foundation garments would be a "yes."

  4. Oh, Mary, not just a foundation: I need a full-sized storm cellar.

  5. Peter, yes...pinned to the collar! And yes, I AM over 50 years old; why do you ask? ;)

  6. Fabulous!!! I envy your sewing skills. I just now mastered (not really) a collared shirt. Still not brave enough to turn on my new Brother Serger (I have the same one) You are an inspiration to this beginner sewer!

  7. Adrienne, there's no time like the present. Collared shirts are a challenge. Good luck with it!

  8. Seriously metalics ARE a beeech to accessorise. I feel your pain. Here in a warmer clime the necessary accessories are tanned skin (real or fake) jewellery and perilously high heels.
    doesn't help in a Ny winter, I know
    Wait! I had a brainstorm...the answer is FUR!

  9. Yeah, I think black is the way to go. And pardon me while I drool over YSL pumps at Goodwill. Le sigh.

  10. God, I love that picture of you. This is my second time back to look at it. You're lucky you don't have boobs to contend with. Those types of dresses look fantastic on slim figures.

  11. Is that a current pattern? If so, I'm buyin' it.

    JUst found your blog; LOVE IT. I used to work as a theatrical tailor/costume designer, and have been out of it for a LONG time. I'm trying to sew again, and it's remarkable that I used to be able to make a double-welt-flap-pocket, on plaid, no less, and now I'm lucky if I can get a seam straight. So, you are an inspiration. I am allegedly going to a Celebrity Wedding this summer, and need to make something Metallic Silver (it's a theme) for it, so your copper dress is totally what I'm aiming for, just in silver.
    Thanks and I'll keep reading.


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